瑞士电信 5G RAN 框架选定爱立信

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Sealing a three-year contract the two parties say will reconfirm their deep partnership for “robust, reliable and efficient” telecom cloud infrastructure, Swisscom has invested in Ericsson technology to drive the next period of growth and energy-efficient performance of its 5G network in Sw瑞士电信(Swisscom)日前与爱立信签订了为期三年的合同,双方表示此举再次确认了双方在“稳健、可靠、高效”的电信云基础设施方面的深度合作关系以及瑞士电信为推动瑞士 5G 网络的下一个增长阶段和高效能性能在爱立信技术上做过的投资。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

For the past seven years, the operator has been raked as market leader in the connect magazine (and umlaut measuring institute) mobile network test that principally indicates the reliability and performance of mobile networks. Swisscom’s infrastructure has evolved in recent years under its cloud-native transformation plans.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

在过去的七年中,运营商瑞士电信一直是《Connect 杂志(和Umlaut测量机构)移动网络年度测试》(The Connect Magazine (and Umlaut Measuring Institute) Mobile Network Test)的市场领导者。该年度测试的主要衡量指标是移动网络的可靠性和性能。瑞士电信的基础设施近年来一直在根据其云原生转型计划不断发展。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

In addition to looking to provide what it calls an “outstanding” 5G experience to its users, with these new additions to its network, Swisscom said it’s also reinforcing its focus on sustainability by implementing products and offerings that improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

瑞士电信表示,除了希望为用户提供所谓“卓越”的 5G 体验外,瑞士电信还将通过实施提高能效和减少碳排放的产品和服务加强对可持续发展的关注。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

The agreement will see the introduction of Ericsson Intelligent Automation Platform (EIAP) to provide multi-technology network management and automation for the Swisscom network. The tech firm said adoption of the platform means Swisscom can take advantage of its portfolio of rApps, including AI-powered Cognitive Software, as well as those available from other contributors to the open EIAP rApp Ecosystem.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

根据协议,爱立信智能自动化平台(EIAP)将为瑞士电信网络提供多技术网络管理和自动化服务。该科技公司爱立信表示,采用 EIAP 平台意味着瑞士电信可以利用爱立信的rApps组合产品,包括人工智能驱动的认知软件以及开放的EIAP rApp生态系统中其他贡献者提供的rApps。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

The EIAP ecosystem and software development toolkit (SDK) is regarded as having the potential to be “an essential tool” for Swisscom to enhance its subscribers’ service experience while delivering operational savings through industrial scale automation in the radio access network. Ericsson said the focus on subscriber experience will be further boosted by Swisscom’s renewal of its Expert Analytics deployment. Based on machine-learning and artificial intelligence technology, it analyses and resolves potential subscriber issues in real time to ensure quality of service for users.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

有关人士认为 EIAP 生态系统和软件开发工具包(SDK)有潜力成为瑞士电信提升用户服务体验的“重要工具”,而且同时可通过无线接入网络的工业规模自动化节省运营成本。爱立信表示,瑞士电信旗下 Expert Analytics 部署的更新将进一步促进对用户体验的关注。瑞士电信将可以基于机器学习和人工智能技术实时分析和解决潜在的用户问题,进而确保用户的服务质量。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

The contract will also see the introduction of Ericsson’s dual-band Radio 4490, as well as a next-generation RAN processor from Ericsson’s RAN Compute portfolio. With the capacity to serve all new and existing radio technologies from a single box, Ericsson RAN Compute processor boasts low energy consumption, and has the ability to support real-time artificial intelligence processing without capacity loss. Swisscom further aims to equip a large number of sites with Massive MIMO technology in the next three years as part of the continued effort to expand mid-band TDD coverage further.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

根据合同,爱立信还将引入双频无线电 4490 以及爱立信无线接入网络计算组合中的下一代无线接入网络处理器。爱立信无线接入网络计算处理器具有低能耗的特点,能够在不损失容量的情况下支持实时人工智能处理。瑞士电信还计划在未来三年内在大量站点上配备大规模 MIMO 技术,进一步持续扩大中频段 TDD 覆盖范围。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

Ericsson has already provided Swisscom with its Network Functions Virtualisation Infrastructure service to support its telecom applications. With the deal, the service provider will now take on Cloud Native Infrastructure. Another development stream is marked by continuous spectrum refarming to New Radio, with which the service provider prepares its network for 5G Standalone deployment with the possibility of launching new services.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

爱立信目前已经在支持电信应用方面为瑞士电信提供了网络功能虚拟化基础设施服务。通过这项交易,服务提供商瑞士电信将采用云原生基础设施(Cloud Native Infrastructure)。另一个发展方向是在持续频谱重组时用上新无线电技术,服务提供商瑞士电信可借此为 5G 独立部署网络做好准备并推出可能的新服务。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

For Swisscom, the deployment is intended to further enhance the network’s reliability and expand its ability to host cloud-native telecom applications from Ericsson, as well as from third-party providers. It will also look to reduce the overheads needed to manage the cloud platform and infrastructure, introduce further energy efficiencies, and optimise the total cost of ownership overall.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany


The deployment will also encompass partner companies such as Extreme Networks and Dell Technologies, which contribute components, infrastructure and capabilities to the offering, all collaboratively engaged to ensure Swisscom and its subscribers enjoy the best possible network performance.aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

有关部署还将涵括 Extreme Networks 和戴尔科技等合作伙伴公司。合作伙伴公司将为产品提供组件、基础设施和功能,所有这些公司都将通力合作,确保瑞士电信及其用户享受到最佳的网络性能。aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

“We’ve been working closely with Ericsson for over 10 years with a great amount of trust and success,” said Swisscom chief technology information officer Gerd Niehage. “We are now taking the next step in this long-standing strategic partnership as we endeavour to turn Switzerland’s best network into its smartest one. This will enable us to not only offer our customers the best customer experience, but also to place an even greater focus on sustainability and innovation.”aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

瑞士电信首席技术信息官 Gerd Niehage 表示,“我们与爱立信已有超过 10 年的密切合作,双方相互信任并取得了巨大成功。我们现在在这一长期战略合作伙伴关系的基础上迈出了新的一步。我们努力将瑞士最好的网络变成最智能的网络。这将使我们不仅能为客户提供最佳的客户体验,还能更加注重可持续发展和创新。”aGW莫卡妮生活网-记录每日创新科技时尚娱乐生活Mocany

本文链接:http://www.mocany.com/showinfo-1-36476-0.html瑞士电信 5G RAN 框架选定爱立信
